clude providing additional bvacation/b days, parties at mile- stones, additional training so employees can develop dif- ferent skills, and educational opportunities such as college classes. Additional bvacation/b or reduced work hours allow em- b...../bbbility/b could be exploited across a larger fleet of platforms. Commodity management of ASE also creates an oppor- tunity for the planned leveraging of technology across multiple future platforms. Under a strategic roadmap con- ...
even ter zake, ik ga je nu vertellen hoe boeiend deze bdag/b was. ik begon met observeren, want het is goed om eens goed wakker te worden achterin een klas. na deze observatie heb ik met andere vakdocenten ook mee gaan laopen en observeren b.../b
and monitor obesity. The Director of Public Health of the Ministry of Health stressed the personal responsi-. bility of all individuals; obesity or the balance between eating and exercising is primarily. a question of healthy lifestyle. ...